History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.

Winston Churchill | England | Politician

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In Conversation | Payton Williams

 "In Greece, you will sit at a coffee shop with your friends or even by yourself for 4+ hours and then go home to take a nap and it was a successful day. Greeks are very good at slowing down and enjoying the little things."

(10 Minute Read)

Payton Williams is a professional soccer player for WFC Mykonos in Mykonos, Greece. After playing college soccer at Lindenwood, Payton decided to take her talents abroad to fulfill both her athletic and creative interests, as she also enjoys photography when she's not on the pitch.

We had the good fortune of sitting down with Payton to discuss playing a professional sport in Europe, adjusting to cultural differences, the challenges of traveling by boat to soccer games, and her passions for experiencing new places and being able to play the game she loves while doing it.

Can you tell us what it's like playing professional soccer in a foreign country? Specifically, in a place as picturesque and invigorating as Mykonos?

Payton: Playing soccer in a foreign country has been a dream and for it to be in a place like Greece is unreal. I am also a photographer so I am very blessed to be in such a beautiful place. Every single aspect of life is different overseas... the language, the pace of life, the style of soccer, being alone most of the time, and having more free time than I know what to do with! But I wouldn't change a thing.

travel fitness, travel wellness, fitness travel, idros, train abroad

A beautiful sunset in Mykonos, Greece

You previously played for Atromitos F.C. on mainland Greece. Is there a significant difference playing on the mainland than on an island?

Payton: There is a huge difference between playing on mainland Greece (Athens) to playing on Mykonos island. Last year in Athens, we practiced at 9PM s I had the entire day to explore the city. There were endless things to do and the public transportation could get you anywhere you wanted to go easily. This year is pretty much the opposite. the island is a ghost town in the winter. I've had to really search for things to keep myself busy which is a struggle at times when everything is closed through March. It has been such a learning curve for me outside of soccer to learn to slow down, which I am grateful for.

How is Greek culture different from American culture? What do you like most about the Greek culture?

Payton: Greek culture is very different than American culture. In America, we are go, go, go 24/7. If we aren't busy, we aren't doing enough. In Greece, you will sit at a coffee shop with your friends or even by yourself for 4+ hours and then go home to take a nap and it was a successful day. Greeks are very good at slowing down and enjoying the little things. And I mean slooooow. Even my Greek teammates will tell you that everything in Greece takes forever, so you have to throw out your American tendencies pretty quickly or you'll drive yourself crazy.

In many previous conversations with athletes, we have discussed the frequent travel, and ways to maintain health and wellness while going from one city to the next during the season. What are some ways you stay healthy, both mentally and physically, when you are on the road?

Payton: One thing I never really thought about in regards to traveling for games was taking a ferry. Never in a million years did I think I'd be taking a ferry to my away games. I knew from playing in college how to keep myself healthy and game ready on a bus, but a ferry was a whole different ball game. Depending on how windy it is, the water can be rough and that means seasickness. Also, during the winter in Greece, there are way less ferries that run. So if we have to go somewhere that doesn't have a direct ferry, we have to go 6 hours to Athens and then another ferry from there. It was tough to get used to, but my Greek teammates are very used to the long boat days and they helped me a ton. Playing card games, sleeping when you can, foam rolling, stretching, and going upstairs in the fresh air when the seasickness hits all help me a ton to get through the travel.

travel fitness, travel wellness, fitness travel, idros, train abroad

Greek island ferries are efficient, affordable, and scenic

We all have one or two notable travel stories we love to tell our friends and family. Can you share one memorable travel related story from your time playing in Greece?

Payton: One of my favorite parts about playing soccer in Europe is how easy it is to travel around. Last year in Athens there were ferries every day that would go to the closer islands in about 45 minutes. Our practices were at 9PM so I was able to get up and go to the port around 9AM, get to one of the islands by 10, explore, then head back around 5 and make it to practice with time to spare... which is wild to think about. I was also able to go to Israel for a weekend which was one of my favorite place I've traveled to so far.

Short Responses

  • Window or aisle? Window
  • What do you typically do on the plane or bus to pass the time? Download Netflix movies, Kindle books, or Sleep
  • What is your favorite city or stadium to play in? Tough choice, but probably Trahonon Field in Athens because of the view of the mountains
  • What is your least favorite city or stadium to play in? Crete because the travel is so long

Trahonon Field in Athens, Greece

Follow Payton on Instagram (@paytonwilliamss) and check out information related to her team, WFC Mykonos, here.

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